Tips How to wash your dog (Information Guide)

Tips How to wash your dog will help you with some cool tips about giving a bath to your dog.

Dogs usually try to wash, but it is not enough and you will have to help them in their grooming on certain occasions.

Tips to wash your dog

The frequency of the baths will depend on whether the pet spends a lot of time outside or if it has skin problems but, in general, having one bath per month it’s enough.

It will also depend on other factors such as size, breed, and fur.

For many dogs taking baths can be terrifying but we just have to use some tricks so that bathing becomes a great and fun experience for our dogs.

The main thing is that you have to accustom your dog to bathe. It is not difficult, just follow some guidelines and be patient. If you have adopted a dog and when you get home you notice that he has a water phobia, you’ll have to help him associate the bathroom with positive experiences.

Here are some tips to bathe your pet:

1- Put your pet in an empty bathtub while you pet him and speak in with a soft, soothing voice before you start using the water.

Also, give him its toy or a prize. This way it will begin to associate bath time as a positive stimulus and he’ll enjoy the experience. When you see that he’s relaxed, then you can start to pour warm water from the bottom, remember to not hurry.

2- If you have a puppy, it is recommended to bathe him only after he’s five weeks old. Once he reaches the age, get him used to it and teach it as a pleasant experience, so that as he grows it doesn’t cause him stress or panic.

wash your dog (Information Guide)

3- You should only bathe your dog when you notice he has an infection or when he smells bad. It’s not healthy to bathe him every couple of days.

4- Brush your dog’s hair before starting. This is to eliminate knots and dead hair. Only then you can turn on the warm water.

5- Be careful about washing his face:

You’ll have to be aware of protecting his eyes and ears while you do it. Get his face wet, and caress it with little shampoo avoiding his eyes, nose, and ears.

If your dog’s eyes get irritated often you can buy some eye drops to alleviate him. Also, you can put some big chunks of cotton inside his ears, preventing water from getting in.

6- Start by his face and then continue with the rest of his body, covering it all with shampoo. You don’t have to be so gentle with the body as you are with the face.

7- It is preferable to use special shampoo for pets.

Regular human shampoo is not toxic for animals, but it may have perfumes or other substances that irritate your dog’s skin.

8- If he’s too anxious you can try to give him his favorite toy, so he can focus on it while you bathe him.

 wash your dog

9- Make sure you dry him up nicely with a towel or/and a hairdryer (don’t use high temperatures) and lastly, brush his hair so you can then enjoy his soft hair, without any knots.

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