Owning a dog can be very beneficial for your health and happiness. They’ll provide you with love and faithfulness, and they’ll expect the same from you.
If you have a small apartment or you are simply looking for the cutest small dog that you can get, then this guide will help you search for your perfect match.
Top 10 smallest dog breeds are:
Russian Toy
You can choose between three different sizes for this breed… Standard, miniature, and toy puddle.
It has curly hair, that can be black, brown, grey, brown and light brown; with a round head and a long pointy snout.
The Poodle is smart, cheerful and can be very protective of its owner. Moreover,
Its a cheerful and social dog that loves chasing their owner around everywhere.
They can elude strangers at first, but if they’re well presented they will soon include them in their games. It has strong and healthy genetics.
From English origins, the Yorkie is characterized by being intelligent and having a strong personality.
It has golden and black hair, small black or brown eyes and a little cute nose. It usually gets an irresistibly cute teddy bear hair cute.
It can be a very courageous breed, being the leader between bigger dogs.
Brussels griffon
Intelligent, loving, loyal and curious are just some of the adjectives that best describe this breed, and yes… they look like a tiny version of an Ewok, from Star Wars.
There are three breeds of Brussels griffon, the red-haired Griffon Bruxellois, the short-coated Petit Brabancon and the black hair Griffon Belge.
It’s one of the most appreciated breeds by the high society. It has its origins in Italy.
It’s a really strong and playful dog, with a lot of energy.
You can easily recognize it because of its long shiny white hair, rounded head, and black eyes.
Toy Fox Terrier
You might have seen this breed in many 90´s movies, as an active and smart dog, capable of learning many tricks and commands. Well, those are some of the characteristics this breed has in real life too.
Fox Terriers’ hair can be white and black, white and orange, or the three colors at once.
This breed has become very popular among every demographic of people. Their weird look, loyalty and their strong temper are irresistible for most of us.
It’s the smallest breed of dog in the world and can have long or short hair.
Japanese Chin
This breed is sensitive, smart, responsible and loving with the people he knows and loves. Ideal for families. Its hair is usually black with white or red with white.
Known for being happy, enjoying sitting down in between your legs and running through the house. The Papillon is not as intolerant as the Chihuahua and known for smelling good.
It has long silky white hair, with black patches.
The Pomeranian is a real “toy” dog. With its frizzy hair and its cheerful personality, it’s impossible to resist them. It can have red, white, black, or brown hair.

They all weigh between 3 and 7 pounds.