Scary Dog Overview
Those who have never had a dog before, but want it soon, should know that certain breeds are best avoided.

This is if you are going to be a new dog owner. With that said, there we have several scary dog breeds. But what makes these dogs scary?
Why are these dogs scary?
We have taken note of a couple of key attributes when deciding which dog is scary.
Most scary dogs show the following attributes:
A dog with an unpleasant and intense bark will be sufficient to make any potential intruder retreat in fear – regardless of whether the dog is where it counts a major softy.
Coat Color And Grooming
Some observational information exhibits that dark dogs are scarier than those of different tones.
However, recollect that this is just a single part of the general intimidation-factor of a given breed.
Is a 175-pound Great Pyrenees scarier than a 95-pound Doberman? It relies upon the mind of the individual giving you the creeps.
In this case, greater is definitively better. A 50-pound pit bull can be incredibly scary, while at the same time exposing his teeth, barking and lunging at you, yet a 200-pound Great Dane scarcely needs to see you fix your sphincter.
Head size
Things like a blocky head, enormous mouth and wide shoulders will, in general, make a dog look all the scarier.
Have you ever seen how an 8-pound Chihuahua can make a 200-pound developed man hop back?

That is the force of feigning, rave, and strut. And keeping in mind that a Chihuahua who weighs however much that a gallon of milk can sometimes intimidate nervous adversaries, a 95-pound Rottweiler could likely intimidate a rhinoceros.
Here are five scary dogs breed that you should know about.
1. Bullmastiff –
This breed of dog can be very loyal to its owners and is very protective of their families when necessary, but it is a scary dog and new dog owners shouldn’t have one.
There are several reasons for this, the first of which is that they can weigh around 100-130 pounds.
That means that they can end up being overweight. You must provide the Havanese with positive training and cope with him, besides, he has a very high prey.
2. Rottweilers –
The Rottweiler is a huge dog and some of them can be very tame, but if the wrong owner has one, the Rottweiler can be a very scary dog.
In other words, new dog owners should avoid acquiring this breed because they are best suited for those who can take on a dominant role.
This means that Rottweilers want someone to be the boss because if you are not, he will take over the role of boss.
Also, let’s not forget that many Rottweilers weigh more than 100 pounds and some can weigh up to 135 pounds.
3. Chow –
The food may seem calm, cuddly and just a lovable dog, but the truth is that they can be very stubborn at times, and before you achieve the results you want, prepare to train a lot with them.
Food is sometimes known to be aggressive towards dogs, and you can be very wary of strangers.
4. Akita –
This is another breed of dog that new dog owners should not get their hands on as training them can be quite a challenge.
Also, they likely need to walk 20 to 30 minutes a day and have a strong prey drive, so they must remain restrained at all times.
These dogs can be smart and adorable, but they are best suited to those who have owned dogs in the past.
5. Dalmatians:
Many children and adults look at this breed of dog and automatically think of Disney movies and cartoons.
Also known as the fire dog, it is known for its distinctive appearance, as it is often seen with black spots all over its fur.
However, they have a great deal of energy and can become destructive if bored, which is why only experienced dog owners should have this scary dog.
The above breeds are not bad dogs. However, they are generally suitable for experienced dog owners.

If you are looking to have a scary dog soon, you may want to own any of the five mentioned above.
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