Most Popular cat Breeds in the World are in this article.
Many studies concluded that having a cat can reduce your levels of stress, inspire positive emotions and improve your mental health.
In the last few years, cats have become the 1# choice for families wanting to get a pet, even more than dogs.
But, you’re probably wondering… “What kind of cat should I get?” “Which breed is more suitable for my family?”
Next, we’re going to show you the top 10 most popular cat breeds in the world:
Oriental Shorthair
The Orientals are mid-size, but they are heavier than they look. They have similar bodies and temper than the siamese.
He’s a smart and curious cat and loves to communicate with humans.
American Shorthair
This breed is known to be one of the strongest and healthiest breeds. They are friendly with humans and other animals. Descendants of the British short hair.
They’ve fairly long hair with a dark face, feet, ears, and tail; while they have a lighter color in the rest of their body. They’re known for being very soft and loving cats.
The first thing you notice about him is that he’s hairless. It has long pointy ears, big eyes, and wrinkly skin. They’re usually very happy and close to their owners and friendly with other animals.
They’re a mix between an Angora and a Birman. Naive, sweet and dependent of their owners. They are named like that because of their very light, relaxed body and soft texture. Great with kids.
One of the oldest breeds in the world (1350). Comes from Thailand.
Siameses are medium size, well-toned, elegant cats. They’ve short beige hair on their bodies and black face, ears, feet and tail. They are very noisy to express their mood and will never submit to your will, as they are very independent.
They can be affectionate but only when they want to. The Abyssinian is an active, playful cat and is recommended that he has another cat companion.
It’s a similar aspect than the ancient Egyptian feline, with its slender, long legs and pointy ears.
Exotic shorthair
Very similar to the Persian cat, but you can differentiate him because of its short hair, big eyes, and a rounded squashed face.
It has a very laid back character, but can be social and curious at times.
Maine Coon
It is considered the biggest breed of cats in the world and you can rarely find them in pet shops.
Males can be expected to weight 22 pounds. They’ve beautiful long hair, long ears, and big eyes. Like most cats, they are loving, playful and lazy.
Because of their long hair, they can survive low temperatures and they enjoy getting wet.
This breed is best known for its silky long hair, cute squashed face, big eyes, and short thick body. Its hair combines many tones of white, brown, orange and black.
They enjoy laying down in the sun, cuddling and being always close to its owners.

It’s recommended to stimulate them with toys and games.