What You Need to Know about Goldendoodle Dog Breed

What are Goldendoodles?

Also referred to as Groodle, the Goldendoodle is a crossbreed of poodle and golden retriever.

Just like other crossbreeds, Goldendoodle isn’t a breed of its own.

This adorable mix was first introduced in the 1990s, so it’s regarded as the newest.

The hybrid is termed as a designer breed, simply because the aim was to get a quality product with admirable qualities of their original parents.

The parents are said to be intelligent, good-looking and playful. Because of its nature of adaptability, its population has increased rapidly.

What is the Size of Goldendoodle?

Goldendoodles grow to different sizes. The sizes range from small to large. This depends on the generation of their original parents.

If, for instance, a big-sized Poodle was crossed with another big sized Golden retriever, then definitely the product will be huge in size.

So, you cannot tell the size your Goldendoodle puppy will grow up to since you don’t know the generation of their parents.

Why Do Goldendoodles Have a High Demand?

Goldendoodles have a high demand because of their level of intelligence and nature of friendliness.

That’s why these dogs are trained to undertake specific jobs. For instance, they are used as:

·Guide dogs

·Service dogs

·Sniffer dogs

Is Goldendoodle a Good Family Dog?

Goldendoodle is a wonderful family friend. In fact, they are very social dogs and get along very well with the children and other pets.

These dogs can survive well in both city and country settings.

They are not well suited to living in apartments, rather they survive well in open spaces with well-fenced yards.

Also, they should not be locked inside kennels since they thrive well when they keep on interacting with people they love.

Locking them in dog houses leads to boredom and stress, which inhibit their growth.

If they don’t meet their owners on a daily basis, they’re likely to suffer from separation anxiety.

If you decide to go out, make sure you put a radio on or just leave a toy for him. Still, people with dog allergies have no problem living with the Goldendoodles.

Why is Goldendoodle Unique in Nature?

Bear in mind designer dogs are just hybrids, meaning they are a mixture of two breeds.

Goldendoodles are regarded as unique simply because their size, appearance, and temperament cannot be predicted.

You can’t tell how your Goldendoodle puppies will look like or the size they will grow to when they become adults.

This is because you don’t know the character traits of their original parents.

Do Goldendoodles Like to cuddle?


Goldendoodles are super affectionate dogs.

Especially when they are just a few weeks old, they would want to be held, carried around, or even petted.

They keep on climbing on people’s laps to sit. They are so playful because they are energetic and love to exercise.

If you happen to lock your puppy for a whole day, he will get bored because he didn’t do any exercises.

Always grant your dogs the freedom they deserve by allowing them to climb on the sofa and interact with family members.

That way, your dog will not only become social and friend but will also thrive faster.

Is Goldendoodle Easy to Train?

Dog training has never been easy, especially for some breeds.

But when it comes to Goldendoodles, training them is quite easy.

This is because these dogs are intelligent just like their parents. They can be trained by either a first-time trainer or a seasoned dog trainer.

When offering the training, it’s advisable to use positive reinforcement. Ensure you give your dog a trait whenever he does what you commanded them to do.

That way, they will feel appreciated and will easily understand the language. Avoid using harsh corrections on your dog as this may damage his confidence.

Why Goldendoodle Require Daily Exercising?

Exercises are good for any dog breed. Dogs need to be walked on a regular basis.

Dogs that are always caged are likely to develop arthritis.

For Goldendoodles, exercising is good because they are average energy level dogs.

So, you should consider walking them around for about 30 minutes every day to break the boredom. Goldendoodles also love swimming so this can be part of the exercise.

How bad do Goldendoodles shed?

Many dog owners wonder whether or not it’s normal for Goldendoodle to shed.

It’s good to understand that all breeds of dogs shed to a certain degree.

So, if you are looking to own a Goldendoodle, there is no guarantee that the dog will not shed.

For people who have tried Goldendoodle, they can attest that it’s the breed with minimal shedding.

Remember not all Goldendoodles will entirely take the characteristics of exhibit their parents so the degree of shedding will vary from dog to dog.

How is Goldendoodles Fed?

Just like human children, dogs do not consume equal amounts of food. An adult Goldendoodle is supposed to take between 1 to 4 cups of dry food every day.

The amount of food taken depends on the size, age, and activeness of your dog.

It’s obvious that a highly active dog will require more food as compared to a dormant one. Ensure you look for high-quality food for the proper nourishment of your animal.

How much is a Goldendoodle puppy?

Because Goldendoodles are common, you can easily acquire one from a local shelter.

If you choose to adopt, you are likely to pay around $300, which is almost one-third of the amount you’re likely to spend when buying from a breeder.

Usually, a Goldendoodle puppy costs between $950 and $5000 depending on the breeding company you’re buying from.

The price varies due to various aspects, such as size, breeder’s reputation, and the generation type. Since you want to get the value for your money, consider buying from a well-reputed breeder.


If you are planning to buy a Goldendoodle, consider buying a healthy dog.

Avoid buying puppies from unscrupulous dog breeders or puppy mills. Instead, you should opt for a reputable breeder that has been around for years.

An established dog breeding company usually tests their breeding dogs on a regular basis. This helps prevent genetic diseases from being passed to puppies.

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