Funny Dog and Cat videos: how to quickly put a smile on your face

Funny dog and cat videos are quite the interesting things to watch. They’re generally short, don’t provide much context and allow the viewer to just smile at them. They honestly don’t serve much other purpose besides this anyways.

When we see a funny dog or cat do something we generally will laugh it, Something about the animals we live in our homes being silly is like watching a toddler say something silly.

It’s funny, they didn’t mean to and they provide great entertainment for those who watch it. Now, how does this relate to videos?

Funny dogs or cats online are a cute trend that will never go away. These videos are purely there to provide joy to anyone who is watching them, to get a laugh out of the average viewer.

They will usually not belong at all, registering around less than a minute so it’s easy to digest. Videos that are shorter are usually more viewed by anyone scrolling by vs a twenty-minute film about something.

The dogs and cats being funny, These videos are not just watched by niche audiences, anyone can get a laugh out of a cat doing a handstand.

No matter what nationality, skin color, gender or race someone may be animal humor makes everyone laugh. there is something non-divisive about animals (such as dogs and cats) that we can all laugh at.

While we segregate people by how they look and act, the same dogs and cats are found all over the world. Since people of all cultures and lives allow dogs and cats to live with them, since everyone can relate to animals being in their lives it allows every funny video of a cat or dog being funny to be more relatable to the viewers.

Being able to laugh also gives these videos a purpose: to brighten someone’s day.

Since, as previously stated, most people around the world can relate to animals, the goal of joy is much easier to propagate.

These clips of cats and dogs doing silly things will almost always bring a smile to someone’s face, making them happier.

These videos solely exist in order for others to laugh at them. Dogs and cats acting funny will always crack a smile on someone’s face, making their day that much better.

In summary, the main qualities of the funny dog, cat or any other animal video are the following:

  • Anyone can relate to them, regardless of race or gender
  • The funny videos are generally short, so are easy to share and digest
  • They help to provide smiles on a bad day while someone is just scrolling Facebook

How To Train A Cat To Use The Litter Box

Many cat owners want their cat to use the litter box. A kitten can actually learn to use the litter box in a few simple steps.

That will encourage the animal to use the litter box any time it needs that option.

Peeing in the litter box might be natural to a young kitten. As the animal grows up, it will then become adjusted to the concept in time. Cats need to get adjusted to using the litter box each and every day.

That can teach them a basic skill which they will find useful over time. How to train a cat to use the litter box will be fun. A loving owner will find time to teach that skill each day too.

The first step is showing the kitten the new litter box. Place the kitten in the litter box when it is time to defecate.

Normally, the mother cat will lick the kitten to encourage defecation. But over time, the kitten will have to learn that skill on their own.

The kitten can build up a new skill and use the litter box as they see fit. The cat is going to develop into a mature animal with the litter box.

That is perfect for an indoor cat who will later rely on the litter box each day. Be sure to clean the litter box after it is used.

A clean litter box is more welcoming to a kitten. They will like using the litter box.

The next step is to ensure that the kitten is learning. They will likely try to escape from the litter box over time.

But redirect them and encourage the kitten to develop better skills. That will take shape and the kitten will be glad. They can use the litter box frequently.

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