How to clean your dog’s teeth without brushing

In this article, you will learn how to clean your dog’s teeth without brushing.

We want to see our dogs always happy, so we naturally want to take good care of them with high-quality food, long walks through the park, toys, veterinary care, cleaning their hair and … their teeth?

Of course! Keeping their mouth and teeth clean is one vital and significant factor for his health, which helps for the prevention of diseases, and therefore they’ll have a long and happy life.

clean your dog's teeth without brushing

The main diseases that derive from a lack of oral hygiene in dogs is tartar.

The accumulation of tartar between the teeth and gum causes the appearance of bacteria that, if it’s left untreated, could produce other serious diseases. One clear symptom is bad breath.

Gingivitis is one of the most dangerous potential diseases.

The redness and inflammation of the gums are some of the symptoms, which cause the gum to retract and expose the teeth.

If you don’t treat it in time, your dog’s mouth becomes a focus of infection that affects all his health, to the point that his teeth could fall out.

For these reasons, it is vital to do at least one dental check-up a year at our veterinarian, and follow a routine of cleaning your dog’s teeth and mouth.

Dogs don’t usually like to be poked in the mouth, so we are going to name other options apart from using brushes to clean your dog’s teeth.

To do a fairly complete cleaning you can give him some special bones, that they not only strengthen his teeth and jaw but also help to prevent and eliminate any tartar.

It is a much more fun way for him. You can find many toys and dental bones at any animal store.

Dental bones for your dog:

The dog is a carnivore by nature, so chewing is a regular habit for him.

Chewing a bone will help him reduce his stress and anxiety. His brain produces endorphins by being focused and relaxed.

It will maintain his mouth clean naturally, (like they’ve always done it without help).

You can choose between deer antlers: that provide nutrients, are hypoallergenic and do not splinter.

Natural bones: From chicken, rabbit or pig. Do not cook them.

Pressed bones: Made of leather. These are 100% comestible.

How to clean your dog's teeth without brushing

And there are also toys that are designed with forms to reach and clean the dog’s mouth. You can find rubber toys, made of rope or a mix of both. So, you can play with them while their teeth get cleaned.

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