Dog Care Facts Overview
Dogs are great pets and they are the number one most loved animal in America. When it comes to owning a dog, a person should know some Dog Care Facts
Owning a dog is a serious matter because it is a living being that needs care, protection and guidance.

The following material will describe some basic dog care facts that people will need to live with happy and obedient pets.
Train them the Right Way Early On to Avoid Future Bad Habits
An untrained pet can be annoying and it can also be a source of great frustration. Pet owners must train their dogs from the moment they enter their home.
This will force them to quickly realize the rules and what must be done to live an obedient.
Toilet training your dog is one of the biggest pet issues that must be under control quickly.
Otherwise, your home will become a literal bathroom for your animal and you will not enjoy this situation.
You should also teach your dog about staying off the furniture, staying out places within the home and not run around acting like a wild feral beast.
Get your Dogs used to a Feeding Time

Make sure you get your pets on a feeding schedule. They should eat at least 2 times a day. Some pets can eat 3 times of day if it doesn’t cause them to be overweight or greedy.
Feed your dog in the morning and again in the evening. They will get used to this feeding schedule.
You can also feed them treats and human food. By the way, feeding your dog small amounts of human food will not kill them.
However, if you constantly feed them human food that could be very bad for their health. Certain foods such as chocolate, grapes and chicken bones should never be fed to a dog.
Teach your Dogs Basic Commands

Nothing is more irritating than dealing with an untrained dog. Teach your dog basic commands such as come, stop, sit, lay, stay and up.
You can also teach them how to fetch and rollover. Teaching your dog these commands is important for their socialization and conduct.
It will also save you some problems when you go out in public. No one likes to deal with an untrained dog that cannot control itself out in public.
These basic tips will help to make your dog’s life and yours to be a more rewarding experience.