Boston Terrier – A True Gentleman

Basic information about Boston Terrier

Country of origin: America
Height: 38 – 43 cm
Weight: 5 – 12 kg
Content in an apartment: well suited
Life expectancy: 15 years or more
Well suited: for inexperienced owners

At first, the color and shape of the body did not matter much, but by the beginning of the 20th century, the breed standard was created. The terrier is only in name, the Boston lost its aggression, and began to prefer the company of people.

The Great Depression reduced interest in the breed, and World War II brought interest in new, overseas breeds of dogs.

As a result, they have lost popularity. Nevertheless, a sufficient number of breeders and amateurs remained, and as a result, from 1900 to 1950, AKC registered more dogs of this breed than any other.

From 1920, it ranked 5-25 places in popularity in the USA, and in 2010 was in 20th place. During this time, they appeared around the world, but nowhere have they achieved the same popularity as in their homeland.

In 1979, the Massachusetts authorities named the dog the official symbol of the state, one of 11 breeds honored with this honor. Despite the fact that they can be quite a lot (even used in the treatment of patients), most of them are companion dogs.

Their cute appearance, friendly character, and uncomplicated content make them accessible and popular domestic dogs.


Boston terriers are owners of excellent character, they are very loving and gentle. These are clever, playful dogs with good manners.

They are easy to learn but very sensitive, so if you raise your voice on them, they can be upset, which will be eloquently expressed in their pretty faces.

Dogs of this breed do not belong to fighters, but they are extremely loyal to their family and will protect it, if necessary.

Boston Terriers get along well with children, elderly people, other pets and strangers who are sometimes trusted so much that they can leave with them.

These dogs are great for keeping in an apartment because of their small size, small demands on physical exertion and very livable nature.

In addition, these are calm, friendly, sociable and inquisitive dogs.

However, they are fairly independent and can sometimes be stubborn.

Dogs of this breed really need attention. They need to be part of the family and participate in all its affairs.

They are also friendly with other animals, with proper socialization, they calmly relate to other dogs, especially the opposite sex. Some males may be dominant and seek conflict with other males.

But tolerant to other animals, calmly tolerate cats and other small animals. Some try to play with cats, but they have rude games and usually, cats are not welcome.

Trying to please the owner, plus clever. As a result, they are pretty easy to train. They remember the basic commands quickly and rarely slander.

In addition, they are able to learn a lot of tricks and successfully perform in agility and obedience.

Although it is not geniuses and their potential is less than that of the German Shepherd, for example. Rough methods are undesirable and they are not necessary since they react to positive consolidation much better. Most of the Boston terriers will do literally everything for delicacy.

Boston terriers are well suited for both experienced and inexperienced owners. They are ideal for families with children and other pets. However, you should not get a dog of this breed to those who do not have enough time or do not want to pay much attention to their pet.


In general, the Boston Terrier is a healthy breed of dog. However, most often these dogs have the following diseases:

Mast cell cancer (mastocytoma)
Brachycephalic syndrome
Hyperadrenocorticism (Addison’s disease)
Cryptorchidism (not testicular prolapse)
Congenital deafness
In addition, infrequently, but there are such diseases as:

Congenital dislocation of the elbow
Hydrocephalus (brain dropsy)
Pyloric stenosis
Craniomandibular osteopathy
Also, Boston terriers are prone to demodicosis and brain tumors.


Boston terrier

Wool Boston terriers thin short. She does not shed much and needs only a little care. Periodically brushing with a stiff bristle is enough to keep wool in good condition.

Face Boston terrier recommended daily wipe with a damp cloth or cotton pad.

Regularly check the eyes and skin for possible infections and trim the claws in time. Bathe the Boston Terrier is better as needed.

Boston Terriers do not need a lot of physical activity. Small walks completely satisfy their need for movement. And the games will be very useful for the dog to get the attention it needs.

Never load a dog outdoors at very high or low temperatures, Boston Terriers do not tolerate extreme cold or heat.

Do not forget about the problems of this breed with the breath because of their short muzzle. Make sure to get advice from your vet for better care of your Boston terrier.

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